The Matterhorn


48” x 60”

Oil, acrylic, and gouache on canvas

As a child, Disneyland’s ride the Matterhorn held an enchanting spell over my sister and I. The mystery of the Abominable Snowman lurking in the roller coaster’s corner, the way the mountain itself provided the three-dimensional backdrop for this thrilling ride (constructed at 1/100 the size of the real thing). The peak became evermore iconic to me as a natural feature both revered for its beauty, and also feared for its formidable scale and dominance over the surrounding landscape as I later learned that Disney’s attraction was inspired by the real thing in Switzerland. This painting attempts to convey both the reverence and the intimidation that the real place can make the viewer feel, the sense of near-holiness the mountain seems to emanate with. The figures at the bottom are small, serving only to reinforce the scale of the mountain and remind the viewer how small and fleeting our presence amidst giants like The Matterhorn really is.