Fragrant cloud from side.jpg


A Fragrant Cloud


14” x 11”

Oil, acrylic and gouache on panel

A Fragrant Cloud is a species of rose that grows in the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden, the subject of this painting. I referenced a photo taken by my friend Rachel DeGeorge, while painting it, thank you for sharing Rachel. I find rose gardens to be a wonderful example of the intersection of intention and coincidence in design. Rose bushes are wild and thorny and beautifully improvised, while the gardens we place them in tend to be highly ordered and manicured. I love how the rounded shapes of the flowers and the bouquet of scents seem to be enhanced by the contrast they make with the neatly planted rows they are forced to thrive in. Numerous folks told me this was their favorite destination for pandemic walks when I shared a progress picture of it, I thought that was nice.

This painting is currently available for purchase at my studio in Lakewood, CO. Please direct purchase inquiries to me at